Migrating Golden gate from Active Data Guard to Primary

                                Migrating Golden gate from Active Data Guard to Primary

1. GG set up in Primary DB – Ops.DBA team  [2-4 days needed for setup]
a. New setup of GG – on Primary
i. Unix team
1. Create user
2. Create Group
3. Folder Permissions
4. Setup of PowerBroker
a. 2 teams need to be added : Ops.DBA, EIMSGG
ii. Install GG software
1. No reboot required

b. Confirm ports are opened from Primary DB to Exadata and Teradata
i. Have scripts to run to check
ii. EIMSGG to get confirmation ports are already open
1. If not, then need to submit port opening request [takes 1-2 weeks]

c. WO raised to Ops.DBA for
i. SW installation
ii. Approvals required
iii. Ops.DBA to raise SSH access Unix.  Then set up permissions for GG

d. Verification by EIMSGG team [post software installation and necessary permission granted as above]

2. GG Replication for sample tables – EIMSGG team [1 day]
a. EIMSGG team will test GG replication on one table for each target, post GG configuration.
i. Full table load.
1. Verify counts on source and target – EIMSGG team
ii. Incremental load [need DML at source side – to be done by Application team]
1. Verify counts on source and target, data validation – Application team

3. Stop application and keep DB restricted mode for all users except OGG and DBA respective groups, once it’s good to move GG from ADG to Primary on all positive testing as of above steps done. [DBA group can say]

4. EIMSGG team will start the below GG activities [8 – 10 hrs after redos are consumed]
a. Wait till GG consumes all redos/archives at source and target. [time can’t be predicated, depends on how much archives are pending to complete]
b. Stop GG processes at ADG. [30 mins]
c. Create necessary folders at Primary DB node, as required. [30 mins]
d. Create necessary folders at Target GG, as required. [30 mins]
e. Configure GG environment parameters at Primary DB node, as required. [15 mins]
f. Code change will be done for 10 processes. [4 hrs]
g. Create GG processes at Primary DB node, with current time. [1-2 hrs]
h. Configure target GG parameters as required. [15 mins]
i. Start Source GG processes and observer for issues, if any. [30 mins]

5. Start application and resume DB restriction mode for other users. [DBA group can say]

6. Monitor user data change flow for couple of hours before closing the activity and passing the system to support team. Both EIMSGG and Application team must monitor the data flow. [1-2 hrs]


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