Recover of Corrupted Definition File in Golden Gate

                            Recover of Corrupted Definition File in Golden Gate

In one of the golden gate setup ,we are not able to start the replicate in the target side. It was showing some error like below

2019-02-20 02:31:22  ERROR   OGG-00303  Problem at line 27.  Expecting file, table, or record definition.
2019-02-20 02:31:22  ERROR   OGG-01668  PROCESS ABENDING.

If the golden gate version is Version,then we will see this type of error in the report file while we want to start the replicate process.
1.Go to the source server and generate the new definition file by using ./defgen utility
Gg_home$ ./defgen paramfile /oracle/app/oracle/product/oggnew/dirprm/prcc_defgen_teradata.prm
2. new definition file will be created in  the below location of source server
3.transfer the prcc_defgen_teradata file to target by scp or open this text file by cat command ,copy to a notepad++ ,paste in the target server $gg_home/dirdef/prcc_defgen_teradata (by removing the existing file content)
4.Open the prcc_defgen_teradata file in target server and remove completely the below lines carefully (don’t comment “#”  the lines in file),then save it

[this line will come after “Field descriptions for each column entry” and before the “Definition for first table”]
Database type: ORACLE
Character set ID: ISO-8859-9
National character set ID: UTF-16
Locale: neutral
Case sensitivity: 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 11 14 14 14
5.log in to the target golden gate and restart the manager ,then restart the replicates


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